I came across this website and wanted to comment about how unique and interesting Madagascar is. I was only there for two weeks and plan on returning for our next vacation to finish seeing the south side. I visited the east side called Tamatave – there were a lot of tourists attractions and things to do. My favorite was going to the Park Ivoloina where there are a lot of rare species only seen in Madagascar like Lemurs and Ayay. We stayed in a very beautiful resort about 50 miles from Tamatave. It was very affordable and great hospitality. We also visited a few small islands on the east side called Saint Marie. It was the most beautiful resort I have ever seen. I learned a lot about the culture and i encourage my friends and families to plan a vacation to Madagascar.
This was my son dream place to visit after watching the cartoon madagascar so we went November 2015. People are very friendly, happy and most welcoming people we have ever seen. The tourist guide was very knowledgable and speaks english perfectly. The resort hotel are very cheap so it is affordable to stay in beautiful resort. luv it guys.
We went in group after my nephew is in there working ONG, told us about the place (If i were young I would live there)
OMG i found many interesting animals, plants and most importantly my future wife while i visited Madagascar. This is a hiding paradise with excellent foods too.happy from the trip except I got sick a bit I guess the change of weather..
My husband was on a mission in Madagascar and convinced me to go with him after his 2nd mission. At first I had no idea what to expect since I saw a show about Madagascar in Bizarre Food with Andrew Zimmerman on TV. I was concerned about the hygiene and language barrier at first. Even I was seeing on National Geographic about Madagascar stating that there are a lot of plants and animals which only exist in that part of the world. I took the chance and it turned out to be my greatest trip ever!!! First it was very easy to find a translator and most of Madagascarian understand little english since it is taught in school. The hotel ended up helping with translation services. There were a lot of great places to see in Madagascar. I started from the Capital Antananarivo and then went to Morondava and then took a small airplane flight to Nosybe. This was a beautiful island on the northern side of Madagascar. I was surprised to see many europeans, canadians and americans living there. I definitely am convinced to build a vacation home right by the sea since it is unbelievably priced compared to anywhere else in the world. My husband is finishing his mission in two years and I am planning to be travel back and forth.
Nice Island. The show Bizzare foods did not show much off it. I felt like Andrew showed the worse part. I am glad I was not discouraged by him.